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Course Information

A Place for You

There are currently four Performing Orchestras and one Beginning Orchestra at Ridge Point High School based on skill level, workload, difficulty, and responsibilities. Students who wish to be in a performing orchestra program will have to audition for Dr. Hillen to determine which class will be appropriate for them.


Students in orchestra can also be enrolled in a variety of other classes and activities. There is a place in the Orchestra for you no matter how much or little time you feel you can dedicate.

Course selections can be found on page 95 of the current Course Catalog.

Feel free to email Dr. Hillen if you have any questions at all.


Orchestra I and II Course Number: FO212/FO222  

Credits: 1 per course Level: On level 


Orchestra III and IV Course Number: FO232/FO242  

Credits: 1 per course Level: On level


  • I’ve never played an instrument, can I join Orchestra?
    Yes! In the 2022-2023 school year Ridge Point HS will be offering a Beginner level Orchestra course for students who have never played a string instrument before.
  • I don’t know how to read music, can I join Orchestra?
    Yes! In the Beginner Orchestra course you will be taught how to hold your instrument, how to play your instrument, and how to read music. You don’t need any prior knowledge.
  • Can I play piano?
    Unfortunately, we do not offer piano classes at Ridge Point. Boo.
  • What instruments can I learn?
    In Beginning Orchestra you can learn to play the violin, viola, cello, or double bass.
  • Do I have to buy an instrument?
    No! You will be given information on where to rent an instrument. The majority of Orchestra students participate in rent-to-own programs for their instrument from a local string shop such as Lisle Violin Shop, Katy Violin Shop, Wu's Fine Violins, or the music store Music & Arts. Please consult with Dr. Hillen before making final arrangements.
  • What if I can’t afford to rent an instrument?
    If you qualify for free or reduced lunch arrangements can be made for you to use a school-owned instrument.
  • What fees are associated with orchestra?
    All students will be required to pay a one time fee of $115 at the beginning of the year which will cover all events and wardrobe for the entire school year (not included: Disney Trip).
  • Does the orchestra go on trips?
    Yes! The orchestra will go on local field trips and also take bigger trips in the Spring semester. The RPHS Orchestra has gone to Orlando, San Marcos, Dallas, San Antonio, Galveston, and Europe!
  • Do I have to perform?
    Yes! Part of being in Orchestra is performing at Concerts. Students in the beginner ensemble will not have as many performances as the students in the performing Orchestras.
  • Do I have to go to competitions?
    No! Students in the Beginning Orchestra will focus on technique, music reading, and tone production. Competitions will only be for students in the performing orchestras.
  • Do I have to take private lessons on my instrument?
    We encourage all students to be enrolled in private lessons but it is not a requirement.
  • Does the orchestra ever have parties?
    Yes! The orchestra has a variety of parties and social events throughout the year!

The Ridge Point Orchestra Booster Association maintains that this website is not part of Ridge Point High School or the Fort Bend Independent School District. Neither Ridge Point High School nor FBISD is responsible for the content of this website or the content of the links external to this website.



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